GSIAS English
We talked about this topic in class today and I thought I would share it.
Good luck on your exams.
See you April 26th!
In today's class we went over our usual schedule, with Words, Quotes, and Jokes of the Day, a news briefing, some language activities dealing with terms ofaddress in American English and a look at some common American English idioms.
In addition to our usual activities, next week please bring a one-page, typed proposal about your paper presentation for a final grade to be presented beginning Week 13 (May 24th). It should be on an issue of interest in your area of research, either geographically, topically or both. Share something with us that we can learn from and that you can learn from too. Please use APA format. Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced. Your paper should be based on fairly up-to-date resources (at least five) and explore an issue of importance and interest to us all.
See you in class!
It might seem like this class lucked out with a holiday during our first week class session, but we are still getting started this week. I want you to get ready for our first meeting as soon as possible.
When we meet March 8th, we'll talk about our semester plans and get started. This class usually has varying interests and needs, and the instructor will endeavor to meet as many of them as possible within our limited time frame.
The general routine each week will consist of
1. A Word, Quote and Joke of the Day to start things off right.
Instructions are linked here.
2. News briefings: Each student will bring in one news item weekly, to be presented (not read word-for -word) along with commentary on issues or language, questions or discussion ideas on items. Students should coordinate together to ensure that there are no duplicated efforts on the same stories.
3. The instructor and students will regularly bring in material for a class discussion. Be ready to digest and discuss a controversial topic of international interest and share opinions that may be different from those of other students (and the instructor).
4. Because I am an English teacher (and a word person), I can't stay too far away from the basics. I will continue to bring in items (hopefully) of interest and utility on language matters. Students are also encouraged to bring in any language/presentation/current affairs topics that are interesting and useful. Stay tuned for more. While members of the class may have different levels of speaking/writing proficiency, there is always something more that can be learned.
5. The first major assignment, A "Bull in a China Shop" Experience, will be presented March 22nd. Please read the assignment and be thinking about your topic. We will talk about it in our first class meeting. I want you to email or bring a hard copy to class of a detailed, one-page proposal of your presentation by March 15th. (Double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font). Before you give your presentation in class, please give me a copy of your written version. That means you need to make two copies, one for you to use and one for me to read as I watch you present your experience.