Presenting in English (2) Fall 2020
After our Word, Quote and Joke of the day, we wrapped up Chapter 9 with some pronunciation practice on page 197.
Next week, we will have class at our usual time. We will watch an interesting video about an international speech competition. Also next week, you should present and upload your final project on your own time. Please make sure we can see you from the waist up, and give your presentation to a live audience of at least three people (including the video camera operator).
What type of speech you do, whether informative or persuasive, is not critical, but you need to follow the Your Body Speaks format outlined in the Toastmasters Speech 5 assignment. Six Minutes info about that assignment is here; Toastmasters instructions and evaluation form are here.
Deadline: midnight Saturday, Dec. 5th; give comments to two classmates in Canvas using the Toastmasters evaluation form for guidance before we meet in class Dec. 9th.
When we meet Dec. 9th (week 15), we will watch a few presentation videos and offer some feedback live in class.
Have fun!
In class today we started off with the usual Word, Quote, and Joke of the Day. Next we moved on to Chapter 9, which focuses on creating a persuasive speech.
We went over many of the speech-building activities in Chapter 9, which should leave students in a good position to start building their persuasive speech. That speech should be presented to a small audience and videorecorded, before uploading the video file to YouTube so others can see it.
You do not need to present and upload your speech before next week's class. However, please use your time this week to follow the detailed instructions in the text and be ready to present, record, and upload your persuasive speech after our next class session.
Also, be thinking about your final major assignment due Week 15 – Toastmasters Speech 5. Six Minutes info here; Toastmasters instructions and evaluation form here.
While you can build on the topic you used for either your informative or persuasive speech in Canvas for homework credit, you may not simply repeat the same speech.
Upload video to Canvas --
Deadline midnight Saturday, Dec. 5th; feedback two classmates in Canvas using the Toastmasters evaluation form for guidance.
Class viewing and feedback Dec. 9th, (week 15).
More details next week.
Have fun!
This week, after our Word, Quote, and Joke of the Day, we wrapped up the last few pages of Chapter 5, looking at some well-known sayings, and noticing how important pauses were for them to be effective.
By now, you should have posted your informative speech from Chapter 5 to YouTube and posted the link in the class Canvas discussion area.
Please take time before we meet again time to give helpful, thoughtful comments to two classmates in Canvas, using the Evaluation form on page 234 of the text to guide your review.
After we looked over the sayings in the text, we turned to Chapter 9 on Speaking to Persuade (page 179).
Next week, we’ll look more closely at this chapter, and at putting together some persuasive speeches in the near future. We will also talk about our final major assignment in this class in the near future.
Expect more impromptus, as well as some tips on speaking and presenting.
See you in class!
We continued this week looking at model informative speeches as we got ready to post our own informative YouTube speech to Canvas.
You are not required to get a three-person audience for this speech, but you should have at least one person watching you to record your talk.
Please deliver it standing, and we need to see you from the waist up and hear you clearly. You should have your YouTube speech link posted to the class Canvas discussion area before next week's class. You do NOT need to give feedback online to your classmates yet. We will do that after our next class.
Next week, we will also be moving on to look at more speaking techniques, and expect some impromptus also.
See you in class!
In class today, after our Word, Quote, and Joke of the Day, we got to watch a few of our classmates’ presentations with visuals from Chapter 4 and give them some feedback.
We next moved on to Chapter 5, where we are looking at informative presentation structure and techniques. We will continue working on Chapter 5 next week. Please be ready.
We will be doing an informative presentation, a persuasive presentation, and working with one more chapter from the text before the end of the semester, which will be determined soon. Your final exam presentation assignment to be presented and uploaded week 15 will also be be announced in the near future.
For now, keep working on Chapter 5, decide on a topic for your informative presentation, and get ready to present and upload it after next week’s class.
See you in class!
We wrapped up Chapter 4 in class today, looking at some more examples of great visuals and focusing on the model presentations.
You will be putting together a presentation of your own with visual aids next week on your own time for your Mid-term grade. Please prepared a presentation using no-tech, low-tech, or hi-tech visual aids as described in the chapter and present it to an audience of at least three people, including your camera operator, as explained in class last week (see 2020.10.07 entry below for details).
We will not meet as a class during mid-term week. Instead, use the time to prepare and perform your presentation, then upload it to YouTube and post the link to Canvas.
Please have your video recorded and uploaded to Canvas before Oct. 25th, to give people enough time to make comments on your presentation. After uploading your presentations, please give helpful, thoughtful feedback to two classmates before we meet together Week 9. You are being asked to make comments, not evaluations, but use the evaluation form on page 233 for ideas about what to comment on.
We will review some student presentations when we meet Week 9, go over the Chapter 4 "Playing with Sayings," and move on from there.
See you Week 9!
In today's class, after our Word, Quote, and Joke of the Day, we got back to work in the text, reviewing "Playing with Sayings" units on idiomatic English in both chapters 2 and 3. We then started looking at Chapter 4, which goes over the use of visual aids in presentations.
We will continue next week going over Chapter 4. On your own, you should be preparing the presentation project outlined on pages 79 through 84 of the text. It will be due on Saturday of week 8 (Oct. 24th). You should record your presentation, upload it to YouTube, post the link in the Canvas discussion area and give each other some feedback in Canvas before then, and expect to view a few videos in class Week 9. The subject of your Canvas post should be "Your Name/Visual Aids."
You will be giving this presentation to a small audience of at least three people, including your camera operator. You will deliver it standing, and we need to see you from the waist up and hear you clearly. Please ask the camera operator to show us your audience at the beginning of the video. But do not put the camera person behind the audience during your speech; that can make it hard to hear you while you are speaking.
After you have uploaded your speech, please give helpful, thoughtful feedback to two classmates before we meet together Week 9. You are being asked to make comments, not evaluations, but use the evaluation form on page 233 for ideas about what to comment on.
Next week, we will continue going over Chapter 4 and talk about our presentation work for Week 8. Don't forget the Word, Quote, and Joke of the Day.
After our daily Word, Quote, and Joke of the Day, we wrapped up chapter 2 in our course text today. In the book, we spent some time talking about the importance of phrasing and pausing and going over the different modes of speech delivery. Different situations call for using different delivery modes, but extemporaneous and impromptu will be the most commonly used types of delivery in this class.
We had a little time the second half of class for some one-minute impromptus on one-word topics to work on eliminating verbal fillers like “um” and “uh.”
Next week (Sept. 30th), we won’t have a live class session because of the holiday. However, the class continues. Please prepare and present a speech from Chapter 2 or 3 (your decision), upload it to YouTube, and post the link in Canvas (details below).
This next speech needs to be presented to a small audience of at least three people, including your camera operator. You will deliver it standing, and we need to see you from the waist up and hear you clearly. Please ask the camera operator to show us your audience at the beginning of the video. But do not put the camera person behind the audience during your speech; that can make it hard to hear you while you are speaking.
Please have your speech recorded and uploaded to YouTube next Wednesday, Oct. 1st, the day before Chuseok. While we will not have a live Zoom session that week, your Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 presentation is due at 11:59 p.m. Sept. 30th. Please video record it on YouTube and share the link on Canvas. The subject of your Canvas post should be "Your Name/Chapter 2" or "Your Name/Chapter 3."
After you've uploaded your videos, please use the evaluation/review forms on pages 232 and 233 of the text to make thoughtful, useful comments for your classmates on what went well and what they can improve on for next time. Post your comments of at least a few paragraphs as replies under your classmate's YouTube post and have them completed before we meet as a group again Oct. 7th.
We will review chapters 2 and 3 and move on to chapter 4 when we meet again after the holiday.
See you then.
Have a great Chuseok!
Today in class we went through Chapter 2 to page 21, and did pages 22 and 23 with partners. We will move on to phrasing and pausing next, as well as modes of speech delivery and using notes.
We are not doing a presentation assignment this week, but you need to be looking ahead, deciding whether you will prepare the presentation project assigned in chapter 2 or 3 to be uploaded and before the Chuseok holiday.
This next speech needs to be presented to a small audience of at least three people, including your camera operator. You will deliver it standing, and we need to see you from the waist up and hear you clearly. Please ask the camera operator to show us your audience at the beginning of the video. But do not put the camera person behind the audience during your speech; that can make it hard to hear you speaking.
Next week in class (9-23), we will continue with Chapter 2 and then move on to Chapter 3.
Please be thinking about your next presentation and do it before the holiday Oct. 1. It is due before Chuseok, and while we will not have a live Zoom session that week, your Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 presentation is due at 11:59 p.m. Sept. 30th. Please video record it on YouTube and share the link on Canvas. The subject of your Canvas post should be "Your Name/Chapter 2" or "Your Name/Chapter 3."
After you've uploaded your videos, please use the evaluation/review forms on pages 232 and 233 of the text to make thoughtful, useful comments for your classmates on what went well and what they can improve on for next time. Post your comments of at least a few paragraphs as replies under your classmate's YouTube post and have them completed before we meet as a group again Oct. 7th.
See you next week,
In class this week, we started off with our daily, Word, Quotation, and Joke of the Day.
Then, the class broke up into small groups to choose three interesting student self-introductions to watch together on video. We offered some brief comments to each of the three student videos selected.
We then moved on to look at the first few pages of Chapter Two together. However, since many people did not yet have a text, the professor suggested we get the text ASAP so everyone could prepare for next week's class.
Get the textbook, complete all activities in Chapter One, including the the self-introduction if you have not yet done it and upload it to YouTube. Post the YouTube link to Canvas following the instructions in last week's session on this page below.
You do not have to complete and upload the Chapter 2 speech yet, but please pre-read and pre-answer all individual questions in Chapter 2 and be ready to present and upload your Chapter Two speech after our next class session.
Don’t forget the W-Q-J for next week too,
Coronavirus and all, our PIE class got off to a good start with an online Zoom session.
We started off by sharing some suggested Zoom classroom guidelines.
After tracking first day attendance, we moved on to a brief course overview, and the instructor shared information about the text for this semester. You can also complete the exercises in the first chapter at this link. You can buy the text at the HUFS bookstore or online from these online vendors:
1. 교보문고
2. 예스24
3. 알라딘
Make sure you get Speech Communication Made Simple 2, not book 1
Please get a copy of the text ASAP (as soon as possible).
Even before you get your own text, you can use the pages linked here to complete all written exercises in Chapter 1, and put together and record the self-introduction presentation project on pages 8-14. You may choose Method A or Method B.
Please record your self-introduction using a mobile phone or other video camera. Upload your introduction to YouTube, make sure the video is viewable by others, and post the link to the discussion area of the class Canvas site. (Invitation coming soon). Try to get your video posted by Sunday night, so your classmates have time to watch your introduction and make comments (see below).
On your discussion post, please use the subject "Your Name/Introduction". For this one time ONLY, you may present your speech into a webcam. Future recorded speaking assignments will be done standing up, with the camera viewing you from at least the waist up. You also should have an audience of at least three people for future presentations, including the camera operator.
Please comment on at least two classmate's YouTube videos before class time next week.
Be ready to share your presentation with classmates in next week’s session. We will be sharing some in class.
Also, remember to have your Word, Quote, and Joke of the Day ready at the beginning of class.
Next week's Zoom class will be at the same place online. This will be our online classroom all semester, unless we go back to face-to-face classes. If you forget the Zoom room location, it's posted below.
Hi class,
We will meet at our regular class time each week in this Zoom room online:
(Meeting ID: 824 0159 6080).
You will receive an email from me with the classroom password. Please do not share it with anyone outside our class.
You can access Zoom discussions with your computer, tablet, or phone, but something with a big screen and a webcam will work much better.
See you in class!
Hi class,
We will meet at our regular class time each week in this Zoom room online:
(Meeting ID: 824 0159 6080).
You will receive an email from me with the classroom password. Please do not share it with anyone outside our class.
You can access Zoom discussions with your computer, tablet, or phone, but something with a big screen and a webcam will work much better.
See you in class!