Prose & Paragraphs Spring 2019 Room 2204
After going over a few student papers on the big screen, we moved on to Chapter 8 in the text. There, we started looking at Argumentative Essays, first a model essay and then some key elements. We will begin writing a first draft of an argumentative essay after class next week, after we go over more of the elements in the text.
Before next week's class, please revise your Chapter 7 writing and post it to Canvas. Also, please pre-read and pre-answer questions completely in Chapter 8 so we can breeze through the material in class and answer any questions. It helps a lot for you to have gone over the material on your own before we talk about it in class.
See you in class!
This day in class, we zoomed through Chapter 7. For next week, please write the first draft of the essay assigned on page 147 by following instructions on pages 148 and 149. The first draft of your essay should be complete and posted to Canvas by midnight Sunday night, May 26th. Then, please use the feedback guideline on page 333 to give helpful, through peer feedback to a classmate who has not yet received feedback from someone else.
Please be advised that I am using Turnitin to check for plagiarism in this and other classes so do your own writing; don't copy and paste from someone/somewhere else.
We will move on to Chapter 8 next week in class after reviewing a few papers on the screen and giving some feedback to classmates in person.
See you in class!
This day in class, we zoomed through Chapter 7. For next week, please write the first draft of the essay assigned on page 147 by following instructions on pages 148 and 149. The first draft of your essay should be complete and posted to Canvas by midnight Sunday night, May 26th. Then, please use the feedback guideline on page 333 to give helpful, through peer feedback to a classmate who has not yet received feedback from someone else.
Please be advised that I am using Turnitin to check for plagiarism in this and other classes so do your own writing; don't copy and paste from someone/somewhere else.
We will move on to Chapter 8 next week in class after reviewing a few papers on the screen and giving some feedback to classmates in person.
See you in class!
In class today we took care of any leftovers in terms of feedback and scores for midterms. We then moved on to take a quiz on Chapter 4, which counts for homework points.
After that, we switched gears to take a look at a PowerPoint presentation on including examples, quotations, illustrations, and particulars to make our writing more powerful and believable. You can go through this information and keep doing the same things with your writing if you like, but if you work at it a little bit to include these elements, it will make your writing much, much stronger.
For next week, please answer the question in Exercise B of the presentation, post it to Canvas, and bring a hard copy of your response to class (see image below). Also, please pre-read and pre-answer all individual questions in Chapter 7 so we can zoom through the important points in class. You should expect to post final drafts of all your essays on Canvas, and turn in final drafts of essays from chapters 4, 7. and 8 for quality scoring at the end of the semester.
See you in class!
Today's session was filled with returning work completed during the first half of the semester, so we could see where our scores were so far and review the quality of our writing.
The instructor shared with us his evaluation method using modified IELTS scoring criteria and averaging those totals for the two essays we had written during the first half of the semester together with our Mid-term essay exam.
Together with similar quality scores for the second half of the semester, quality points will account for 50 percent of your final grade for this class. Homework, such as chapter quizzes, posting to the blog and completing in-class assignments, will account for 40 percent of your grade, with the other 10 percent coming from attendance and participation.
This week, please give feedback to at least two classmates on their Chapter 4 first draft in Canvas and continue pre-reading and pre-answering questions in Chapter 4 of the text. We will continue next week looking at more in Chapter 4 as well as going over a presentation on adding specific details to our writing.
See you then!
Today's session was filled with returning work completed during the first half of the semester, so we could see where our scores were so far and review the quality of our writing.
The instructor shared with us his evaluation method using modified IELTS scoring criteria and averaging those totals for the two essays we had written during the first half of the semester together with our Mid-term essay exam.
Together with similar quality scores for the second half of the semester, quality points will account for 50 percent of your final grade for this class. Homework, such as chapter quizzes, posting to the blog and completing in-class assignments, will account for 40 percent of your grade, with the other 10 percent coming from attendance and participation.
This week, please give feedback to at least two classmates on their Chapter 4 first draft in Canvas and continue pre-reading and pre-answering questions in Chapter 4 of the text. We will continue next week looking at more in Chapter 4 as well as going over a presentation on adding specific details to our writing.
See you then!
After dealing with mid-terms, the class got going by switching gears from paragraphs to essays in Chapter 4 of the text. We talked about the first part of the chapter dealing with introductory paragraphs and thesis statements. Please prepare for class on May 8th by continuing to pre-read and answer all questions in Chapter 4 before you come to class.
Also, please go ahead and follow instructions on page 98 and 99 for completing the first draft of your essay on a topic related to education. Three topics are suggested for you on page 98.
See you in class!
2019.04.10 & 17
During these sessions the class moved through chapters 2 and 3, which deal with Unity and Coherence and Using Outside Sources. Although the text focuses primarily on citing and references for sources using MLA style, it is probably better for scholars in our areas to use APA style.
There is plenty of detailed information and examples on APA-style citation and references online at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).
Check there for information and examples that show you how to cite references of all kinds.
We took a few minutes Week 7 to go over some common problems the instructor has seen in writing classes over the years, and went over an exercise showing us how to write a title.
Week 8, please choose two final drafts from the three pieces of writing you have completed so far. Make sure they are typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced. Also, please check that your papers include your name and a title for each piece of writing.
Also, please come to class that week ready to do a timed writing on a topic similar to those we have seen in the chapters we've worked on so far. I will ask you to use no resources other than a writing instrument and paper I give you for the exam (no phones, no dictionaries, etc.). While you can't exactly study for a writing exam, you can review the chapters we have done already and check out the timed writing topics for an idea of the kinds of thing I will ask you to write.
See you in class!
During these sessions the class moved through chapters 2 and 3, which deal with Unity and Coherence and Using Outside Sources. Although the text focuses primarily on citing and references for sources using MLA style, it is probably better for scholars in our areas to use APA style.
There is plenty of detailed information and examples on APA-style citation and references online at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).
Check there for information and examples that show you how to cite references of all kinds.
We took a few minutes Week 7 to go over some common problems the instructor has seen in writing classes over the years, and went over an exercise showing us how to write a title.
Week 8, please choose two final drafts from the three pieces of writing you have completed so far. Make sure they are typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced. Also, please check that your papers include your name and a title for each piece of writing.
Also, please come to class that week ready to do a timed writing on a topic similar to those we have seen in the chapters we've worked on so far. I will ask you to use no resources other than a writing instrument and paper I give you for the exam (no phones, no dictionaries, etc.). While you can't exactly study for a writing exam, you can review the chapters we have done already and check out the timed writing topics for an idea of the kinds of thing I will ask you to write.
See you in class!
This week the class started off by reviewing the Chapter 1 quiz, which gave many students problems in trying to distinguish between the topic and controlling idea of a paragraph's topic. Remember: the topic of a topic sentence (and the paragraph it anchors) specifies the subject of the paragraph. The controlling idea limits the topic to a certain area that can be discussed in just one paragraph.
After discussing the quiz answers, we moved on to continue with Chapter 2, which looks at unity and coherence. We covered pronoun consistency, transitions, and logical order before looking at some student writing on the screen.
For next week, please revise your Chapter 2 draft by following steps 4, 5, and 6 on page 44. Remember to consider feedback from classmates and your own ideas as you revise (step 4) and be sure to complete the Chapter 2 Writer's Self-Check on page 324 as you complete Step 5. After completing Step 6, please post your revised draft to the class Canvas discussion area and plan to turn it in for a grade in a few weeks.
Also, please pre-read and pre-answer all individual questions in Chapter 3 before class meets next week (April 10th.)
See you in class!
We really got moving this session in Chapter 2, which looks at unity and coherence. For next week, please continue working in chapter 2, completing all reading and assignments on your own.
Also, please follow the writing assignment instructions on pages 42 and 43 (steps 1, 2, and 3) and write a first draft on one of the four topics provided on page 42. Your first draft should be completed by midnight Sunday, March 31st.
After you have finished your first draft, please give helpful, thorough feedback to two classmates on their drafts in the Canvas discussion area, guided by the Chapter 2 peer review suggestions on page 323. Your feedback should be completed before we meet in class next time on April 3rd.
We will move on in the book next time and may talk about student writing from the Canvas discussion area in class.
This week's class started off a little slowly, because several people needed to leave to print hard copies of their papers to talk about in class. While we waited for them to return, we did a 20-minute timed writing from Chapter 1 which will be credited for homework points.
After the timed writing, we moved on to a peer review session. We worked to help each other improve our Chapter 1paragraphs by following instructions on pages 320 and 321.
For next week, please improve your writing based on the suggestions from your peer review session and your own ideas. Remember to check your paper over carefully by following the Writer's Self-Check instructions n page 322.
Post your revised draft as a comment beneath your first post in Canvas. I will be asking you to hand in paper copies of your final drafts for quality points later in the semester. When you print a draft of your paper, be sure that it is always double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font. That's pretty much a standard requirement for all college papers in English.
See you in class!
This week's class started off a little slowly, because several people needed to leave to print hard copies of their papers to talk about in class. While we waited for them to return, we did a 20-minute timed writing from Chapter 1 which will be credited for homework points.
After the timed writing, we moved on to a peer review session. We worked to help each other improve our Chapter 1paragraphs by following instructions on pages 320 and 321.
For next week, please improve your writing based on the suggestions from your peer review session and your own ideas. Remember to check your paper over carefully by following the Writer's Self-Check instructions n page 322.
Post your revised draft as a comment beneath your first post in Canvas. I will be asking you to hand in paper copies of your final drafts for quality points later in the semester. When you print a draft of your paper, be sure that it is always double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font. That's pretty much a standard requirement for all college papers in English.
See you in class!
In class today we got started looking at the text together: Chapter 1, Paragraph Structure.
For next week's class, please continue reviewing the chapter, and take the time to go through the instructions on pages 17-19 to build a solid paragraph as described at the bottom of page 18.
Please post your paragraph to the class discussion area in Canvas, using the subject heading "Chapter 1/Your Name" (exactly as inside the quotation marks). Also, bring a printed hard copy of your paragraph. Please make the format 12 point font, double-spaced, in a legible black font on A4 paper. Times New Roman is preferred.
We will be looking at each other's writing next week and giving feedback.
See you then!
Hi everybody and welcome to Prose & Paragraphs!
This is a writing class, which means we are going to be writing. A lot.
Please bring paper and pencil to class every day, along with your textbook, and be prepared to write some things after class too.
Did I mention that we will be writing? It's a writing class. Expect to write every day. In English.
For this first session, please check out my webpage (, read and pre-answer Chapter 1 in the textbook and be ready to talk (and write) when we meet again in class.
You will also get an email invitation from Canvas to join our online class discussion. Follow instructions to sign on and post a self-introduction based on the questions I asked you in class. Please post the answers to the following questions in the Canvas discussion area (create a discussion) and respond to at least two classmates in a sort of online conversation:
1. Who are you?
2. What do you want (from this class)?
3. Why do you need to write?
4. What can you add (to this class)?
Please post your answer and respond to two classmates before we meet Tuesday morning.
For the discussion subject or title use "Your Name/Intro Questions".
Please buy the book ASAP. ------------------------------------>
It is available at the HUFS bookstore.
Then, please pre-read and pre-answer questions in Chapter 1 through page 17 before Week 2's class and be ready to discuss all the topics in class.
We will move on to the writing assignment in chapter 1 after our second class session, posting it online in a class blog and giving each other feedback on our writing. We will go over instructions for posting our writing and feedback to the blog when we meet next time.
See you next week!